yahoo~~!!and during the one week hari raya holiday...i watch an anime...wahahahaha~~i feel good~
this is the anime that i watch during the holiday...(the photo up there)...very funny....GOOD!EXCELLENT!!!!!i love the anime very well!really good la....

This is the "nan zhu jue"...the "king" of the club in the anime...

And this is the "nv zhu jue" in the anime.....(i set the "zhu jue" myself....don't know correct or not...never mind)
In this anime,i love all the characters~but still got most like one.....they're twins~

this twins..............are GAY!!!!a bit complicated....erm...their relation....
they like to tease people around them....they'll like to play games....they're so ..... EVIL~
they got a game that they like to play with people....that is to guess which one is which one...???huh???mean....let people to guess which one is the elder one,and which one is the younger one....
HOWEVER,this game hurt them a lot.....because nobody can differentiate them....except the "nv zhu jue"(the gal that is shown at above).
I REALLY REALLY love this anime !!!suki!suki!!!hontoni suki des~!beside this, i also love the cartoon 'NARUTO'....i love that cartoon very much!hope that i can watch finish the cartoon.the cartoon isn't finish yet.i watch half half only......hope i can catch to watch the cartoon.......