evon tagged me...
and i'm boring...
sitting infront of the computer...waiting for Evon and Sing Kock...
to REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DOTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well...every morning i'll visit blogs...
and unluckily i read evon's blog and get tagged....
- -"
hmmm...since i've nth to do...(again...- -")...i'll juz do...
- -"zzzz
tagged by evon aka von aka paikia aka evon terpelanting
Upload your fave picture and answer the question below.
Why did you choose the photo?
because...it has the smell of friendship...i makes me think bout my class...
40 person in a class.....GOT IT?!..cincai...i'm alien...so u wont understand why i can smell it...- -"
When was the last time you ate pizza?
it's months ago...not sure...izzit Pizza Junction or what?...
duh...i'd said i never care bout names.....- -
The last song you've listened to?
*my eyebrows are getting into a line*
dunno ....bcoz it's from the radio of my car....
and i'm driving...cant really concentrate what the song is...
What are you doing besides answering this tag?
playing meetoto...facebook -farm town...visiting blogs...check mail...
wait for sing kock and evon
Besides your own name, how do you like people to call you?
AH BONG (don't call my name...the Ting at the back sounds very akua ~.~)
Tag 6 persons, the following questions are related to them.
Who is number 1?
My friend...from primary 2 till now...
a crazy gal...esp crazy over hot dudes....hahahahaha!
No. 3 has a relationship with?
err....Edward???hahaha! XD
Say something about no. 5.
She's now studying at LKW...and i think she's great...
she give a feeling that she's getting pro and is hardworking to be a student of LKW
How about no. 4?
She's my tuition friend.a crazy gal also but normal than me and Elyssa.
She likes drawing and had drawn a lot of comic.
she's the creator of MOCHI RABBIT!!!!!(promote promote)
and i'd bought two pillows of MOCHI RABBIT from her...
u guys wan???hehe...
Who's number 2?
my friend who went to KL there study A level...
and she'll be back on 30 May 09...
and me,she n Elyssa will reunion AGAIN!!!
but just for a short while...- -"
Say something to number 6.
Hey...long long long time no see!hope u're growing well...
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