*i know it's very late to blog this...we'd finish our trip long time ago...but i still want to blog this!!*
here....we started our trip....now,in the bus.....
the OC a
SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!ask u dun catch liao,still catch ba...haiya~~
REACH THERE~~!yahoo~~carry things out of the bus!!faster faster!
"bla....bla.....bla...."after get out from the bus.....everyone talk...chat.....dunno wat to do....
all things carried out le?ok....check.....my bag,ur bag,his bag,her bag...who who's bag....bla...bla....OH NO!what?nothing...everything is here liao...HAIYA!scare ppl ar!
Hey teacher!what r u looking at?haha....what are u thinking?is it"ha~finally reach here~"?
COOC:"MOVE MOVE MOVE!!come on!don't act like niang niang qiang!"
BeRNiE:"waliu....wat niang niang qiang?!"
LipKeE:"u carry la!u carry la!u thought it's easy to carry hia?!SCOLD SCOLD SCOLD!"
BrYan:= = "......"
COOC:"still talking?!u should carry the thing urself!tat's ur thing!heavy?!heavy,BLAME urself la!"
*conversation created by bong*
GATHER!come on!where's those group leader?!
Esther!what are you looking at?...
haha.....sexy babe.....what are u doing?!....she's having a meeting with her committee la~
"so...it's like tat and like this and like tat and like tis and like tat......"
ANG:"eh...u guys are confusing me!what r u talking about..."
then....few ppl talk at the same time....."like tat like tis la...then like tat again and like tis and like tat...."
whoa~~LUNCH TIME!delicious!!!all of us so hungry then grabbed one,and eat like a dog...no,like a pig....no....hmmm........like a wolf?tiger?ala!u!like human la!bathen?we're human!not animal!
k,guess who prepare one?
TADAAAA~~~~our MUM!mummy!ANGELA,THE COOC~!love u!kiss u!muakssssssss
*process of preparing lunch*
prepare prepare........sauce...sauce....bread....
whoa....suddenly superwoman and superboy come in....
finish lunch!TIME TO PLAY!BEACH!i miss u~~~~
*to be continue*
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